Why us?
Memorial Funds
Helping young people to enjoy experiences, build skills and prepare for independence.
“It is my hope for the future that all of us; staff, carers and children, will always remember why Team Fostering exists, and that the very special feeling we have of everyone working together as part of a team will always carry on and on.”

Peter Richardson Fund
Peter Richardson was a founding director of Team Fostering and was cherished by staff and foster carers alike. Very sadly, he died quite suddenly in January 2009.
He had a huge, fun personality and is still greatly missed by everyone who knew him, and this fund is dedicated to his memory.
The Peter Richardson Fund was set up to pay for opportunities and experiences for children and young people of all ages that cannot be paid for by the local authority. Such as attendance at stage schools over the holiday period, holiday activities to enhance skills and confidence building, school trips, charity or project work and any other activity that may enhance a child or young person’s feeling of self-worth or self-esteem.

Helen Middleton Fund
Helen Middleton was a member of staff who had a particular desire to assist young people taking the transition from being in care to adulthood and independence. She died tragically in an accident in April 2007, and this fund was set up in her memory.
The Helen Middleton Fund was set up with a £15,000 donation from Team Fostering, alongside other donations. This money supports looked after young people making their transition to independence and will pay for training and education to support employment such as driving lessons, laptops and other equipment that may help them to meet the requirements of a new job.